Thursday, October 22, 2009

Making Your Pooch Fashionable With A Rhinestone Dog Collar By Lee Dobbins

Lee Dobbins

In the past, chic pet accessories such as the rhinestone dog collar were so hot, however some people thought they were too gaudy for animals and thus their popularity declined. However, with the renaissance of flash and bling, rhinestone dog collars are becoming a hot item once more. People are now recognizing that their pooches also deserve to be stylish in their own right.

Dog lovers treasure their pets very much, and one way of showing high regard for their pet is by giving them something that makes them stand out and look so special. Most dog owners express their pet’s individuality through their collars. There is a wide variety of dog collars to choose from each one catering to different preferences. But the most special among them all is the rhinestone dog collar, which truly makes any pooch look like a million dollars.

Rhinestone dog collars are usually made of leather, cloth, nylon, and even metal with rhinestones embedded on the leash. These tiny, sparkling stones make any color shine, complementing the dog’s eyes and coat. The materials used for rhinestone dog collars are usually very flexible, following the contour of the dog’s neck. It can be a colorful band that is similar to the dog’s owner’s tennis bracelet.

Some rhinestone dog collars can be specially designed to spell out your pet’s name in flashy gems. This is definitely a prettier alternative to the usual dog tag that just has your pet’s name engraved on a small sheet of metal.

Before, rhinestone dog collars are only worn by female pets, but with the emergence of metrosexuality, even male dogs can wear rhinestone collars without much problem. For those who still prefer their dogs to maintain a butch image, there are also rhinestone collars that come in rugged designs that complement their pooch’s macho impression. Examples of these are those black leather collars with a few big rhinestone studs that are well-spaced.

Rhinestone dog collars may come with buckle or snap-on closures. Whatever kind of rhinestone collar you choose, you must make sure that it closes securely so that it would not fall off easily. Snap-on closures are usually convenient, especially for small toy dogs. However larger dogs usually need more security which only buckled collars can provide. It is thus important to test whether the kind of lock the collar you are buying would withstand the strength and size of your pet.

When you are considering to get your pet dog a new rhinestone dog collar, it is important to make sure that the collar fits well and the gems are properly secured. You would not want Fido to be able to remove the collar easily and then chew or choke on the sharp little stones. You should check the collar regularly to see that there is no damage with the material and all the stones are in place. Always watch out if a stone falls off so that you can quickly keep it away from your dog’s reach.

An easy way of measuring the fit of your dog’s rhinestone collar would be the finger test. If you have a small dog, one finger should fit snugly between the dog’s neck and collar. For medium dogs you would need two fingers. Large dogs would need three fingers. If the rhinestone collar is too tight, it can choke your dog and kill it, but if it is too loose, it can easily fall off and get lost.

Other than these reminders, rhinestone dog collars are not really that difficult to maintain. You just need to clean the collar once in a while to maintain the brilliance of the tiny gems. You would probably just need water, with a little mild detergent to remove stubborn grime and stains. Missing pieces might not be inevitable so it is wise to keep some spare gems to replace those that would eventually fall off.

In these times when being fashionable is already considered an asset, dogs can keep up with their owners with the accessories that they wear. Perhaps the best way to glamorize your dog is to have it wear a rhinestone collar. It serves the purpose of regular collars but adds style and flair to your most beloved pet.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Your Dog's Psychology By Dan Stevens

Dan Stevens

Dear Daniel Stevens:

Please tell me I’m not going crazy. One of my co-workers was telling me that if I want to train my dog that I need to understand his mind. Is that possible - I mean I know my dog is smart and inquisitive but if I want him to behave better, come when I call, and start listening so do I need to understand to explore the psychological depths of his mind?

I really love my dog. He’s my buddy, a medium-size dog I obtained from the local shelter. He’s great but sometimes I wonder if we’re on the same page. He will come sometimes and he does mind most of the time but I want to trust him to behave appropriately all the time. It’s not that he’s a bad dog, just not a well-trained one. Can you provide me with any information dog psychology to making training more effective?

A loving dog owner
- Jonathan R

Dear Jonathan:

Well, your co-worker was actually right. For training dogs, one of the key elements to being successful is to learn about dog psychology. You already know that dogs have very interesting minds, which change depending on age. Behaviors of dogs will vary dramatically as well from one breed to another. By understanding your dog, you will be able to build a trusting bond, which leads to better training.

Okay, look at a two-year-old child. He or she is inquisitive and just starting to learn about exploration and independence. The same is true for a puppy or dog. At certain ages, psychological aspects change, at which each stage, your dog will learn new things. Typically, working with a young dog offers a little bit of an advantage in the training department but an older dog taught with patience can also be effectively trained.

Consider a mother dog with puppies. At first, all the puppies do is sleep, eat, and poop. In fact, puppies up to around two to three weeks of age will spend about 35 percent of the life doing nothing but nursing, which is then followed up with a lot of sleep. At this stage of life, the puppy is in survival mode while the body develops. The puppies are taking in things around them such as people handling and noise but their make focus remains on mom and her milk.

Now, once the puppies reach the three-week mark, they’ll begin to show much more interest in their surroundings. Although the puppies are still using smell and feel more than sight, they start to move about while interacting with each other. Typically, puppies at this age have a real interest in independence, as long as they do not venture too far away from mom and food. While little puppies are adorable, their psychology develops noticeably between four and ten weeks of age.

It is especially important at this phase of life for the puppies to be socialized with humans and preferably other dogs and/or household pets. The type and amount of socialization provided to the puppy will have a direct and dramatic impact on how well he trains when a little older. The goal here is to make the puppies feel secure, comfortable, and loved. The result will be a strong trust with the master, making training fun and successful.

You then see another psychological change once the puppies reach the ten-week mark. With bright eyes, sharp hearing, teeth, and powerful motor skills, their interest and ability to explore has multiplied. During this time, you can begin to work with the puppy on learning the ranking of master, potty training, and even basic commands such as “sit,” “lie down,” and “stay.” Although the puppy may not grasp onto everything immediately, be consistent. Spend time with him in training every day and you will soon notice he responding favorably inside and outside the home.


Disadvantages Of Having Parrots For A Pet By Low Jeremy

Low Jeremy

Parrots can be pretty hard to take care of. Unlike other pets that can be left alone in their cages, parrots are restless creatures who you have to check up on a couple of times every day. Here are just some things that parrots can do to your home.

Parrots can be pretty messy

If you are the type that would like the house to be spotless, try to reconsider getting a parrot or any pet for that matter. Parrots can be really messy, even a small parakeet.

Their food can be flung everywhere even when they are inside the cage. Your floor can be filled up by pellets, seed, and nutshells. Sticky foods may also be plastered on the walls, on the bars of the cage and even at the ceilings. Foods will literally be everywhere.

Another problem that you may have are their poop, which you really have to clean everyday. And they are not that disciplined to only poop in one place. They actually poop everywhere, in bars, in their food dish and even with the toys that you give them. They may even poop in between bars, which may end up on the floor and sometimes even on you.

If you have a cockatiel variety or the grey breed, you will also have to contend with the powder that they have on their feathers. The feathers will stick everywhere. So, you really have to dust everyday.

Because of this, you have to scrub the cage, their dish and the whole of the area at least once a day to prevent bacteria from settling in and of course the bad smell.

2. Parrots chew on everything

Parrots love chewing wood. In fact, owners of parrots often give them wooden toys to play and chew with inside their cages. Parrots however are not satisfied with just these toys. When they get the opportunity, they will chew on everything that they get their hands on. They will puncture your clothes, your furniture, even your books.

This can be really frustrating especially if you are the type of person who wants a clean house. Parrots are not recommended in homes that have dainty and fragile furniture. They should also not be placed in areas where they can break things and chew on antiques.

Be careful with wearing jewelry because they will sure to grab it or chew it. Parrots love shiny things. They can claw the stone right out of your favorite jewelry.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

If You Want A Dog That Is Eager To Please Then The Beagle Might Be For You By Lee Dobbins

Lee Dobbins

The Beagle, a fine scent hound used often in hunting is a dog that is full of energy and makes a great pet as he is eager to please his owner. Originating in England as a result of a cross between a harrier and other hounds, this dog is often used when hunting hairs, quails or pheasant. But even If you don’t want to do any hunting, you still might consider beagle as a pet as this sweet and gentle dog makes a great family companion.

The Beagle has been a member of the American kennel club since the late 1800’s and is part of the AKC hound group. This small sturdy dog weighs in at between 20 and 25 pounds and stands 13 to 16 inches tall. he has a sleek short coat that comes in any of the typical colors of a hound which include red and white, black and tan, lemon and white and orange and white. He has a broad slightly rounded skull with a square straight muzzle. The nose is black in the eyes are brown or hazel. The beagle has a pleading expression that makes many fall in love with him with one look.

Beagles are very sociable and need to have their family around them. In fact, if you will be gone for long stretches of time you might consider getting to beagles so they can keep each other company. these dogs are lively, sweet and curious and also very gentle. However, they can be determined and watchful so you will need to train them with a firm hand and have lots of patience.

Beagles are generally healthy however some of the things this breed may be prone to include epilepsy, heart disease, back problems and eye problems. Also some of them may be prone to dwarfism and warped front legs.

Although beagles are on the small side, they do like to be outdoors and would prefer a home that has a fenced in yard. They also need a lot of exercise so allowing them to play outside and taking them for long walks is a must.

Grooming the Beagle is a snap since their shorts move coat makes it very easy. They are only an average shedder and will not clutter your house up with hair during the shedding season. just mush them once in a while with the firm bristle brush and give them a bath and mild soap as needed. They will need to have their nails trimmed regularly in the issue be checked consistently for any signs of infection.

With proper care, regular veterinary checks and good quality food your beagle can be a loving companion for anywhere between 12 and 15 years.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Make The Labrador Retriever Part Of Your Family And You'll Have A Loyal Pet By Lee Dobbins

Lee Dobbins

The Labrador retriever is a favorite dog breed of many families and it's easy to see why as this intelligent and loyal dog makes a great family pet. Originally from Newfoundland this dog's initial job was to jump into the icy waters to help pull in the fishing nets. Today they are used for many other things including seeing eye dogs, working with the disabled and sniffing out drugs.

Part of the American Kennel Club sporting group, the Labrador Retriever was admitted into the AKC in 1917. According to the breed standards this dog should be between 21 and 24 inches tall and weigh between 55 and 75 pounds. With proper care, the dog's life span can be 10 to 12 years.

There are actually two types of Labrador Retrievers, the English and the American. The American breed is taller and leaner than its English counterpart but both have solid muscular bodies with a short water resistant double coat. This dog is characterized by a broad head and wide muzzle and has a very powerful neck. The Otter shaped tail and webbed feet help the dog be the excellent swimmer that it is. The Labrador retriever comes in three colors solid black, yellow or chocolate.

This lovable and patient dog often gets bad marks because it can be destructive if left alone. He needs to be part of the family and if you include him in your daily family activities and don't let him get lonely then you will have a fine pet. These dogs are very smart, very loyal and can also be high spirited. They have a gentle temperament and are great with other dogs as well as children. Since they are intelligent, they can very easily be trained.

This breed has very few health issues that can be prone to hip dysplasia in the eye disorders.

Even though the Labrador Retriever is a very active dog they can adjust to apartment living as long as they are given sufficient exercise. It is better, though, if you have an average sized yard that the dog can run around in. Regardless, you'll need to take him for walks and if you can find a place for him to play in the water even better.

The short coat is easy to groom and merely needs to be brushed regularly using a firm bristled brush. The dog should only be bathed with either wet or dry shampoo when it is absolutely necessary.

It's easy to see why the Labrador Retriever with its intelligent and gentle disposition and easy to groom coat is a favorite family pet. If you are considering adopting one into your family, just be sure that you will have the time to spend with it as this dog does need a lot of human interaction. Also, be willing to commit to give them the proper veterinary care that these wonderful pets deserve.
